Chickens are messy they will make a mess of anything you give them. But when they make of mess of their food the rodents get a free meal. At night we were going out and putting the chickens food away, this was mainly to cut down on the amounts of rodents. It was a pain
Why Chickens?
This is a great question, why on earth did we want chickens? Free Eggs! Okay this ended up being a joke, chickens are not cheap! The idea of free eggs quickly wares off when you have to build them a Chicken coop, then you need to build them a run, and they need food, beding,
This is a great question, why on earth did we want chickens? Free Eggs! Okay this ended up being a joke, chickens are not cheap! The idea of free eggs quickly wares off when you have to build them a Chicken coop, then you need to build them a run, and they need food, beding,