Bouffant Chicken Photo 1

Meet Bouffant

Bouffant Chicken Photo 1Meet our special girl Bouffant:  She hold the title of our “Special Chicken”, “The Dumb One” “Village idiot”. She is a few cards shy of a full deck, if you know what I mean! We got her from a friend of a friend, she was picked on by the rest of their flock so she spent about 2 months in our own cage. Gari Jo felt sorry for her so we adopted her, and quickly found out that our flock did not get along with her like we hoped they would.

After a visit to the vet we decided to keep her as a house chicken. Yes this chicken had her own coop inside our house and free roamed the house for a bit. After putting up with that for a month or so we got her a friend “a young chicken” we had them close to each other and they seemed to get along, our thought was that they would form their own mini flock, so Bouffant would not be lonely.

After about 3 weeks of having two chickens in our house we discovered that Bouffant’s new friend was a rooster, so he had to go. After that failed attempt we decided to try and reintroduce Bouffant back in with the rest of our flock, we started slow by just putting her outside with the flock during the day, it took about 2 months before the flock let her tag along, now she is part of the group. She still gets picked on every now and again but nothing like it was. It’s great to see her adapt and be more like a chicken and not a house cat. lolBouffant & Tweedledum Photo 1

She still has her own coop in the run and we let her decide if she is going to stay with the big girls at night or stay in our own coop. Once she stays with the big girls for a few weeks we will remove her small coop from the run and go back to just having one coop. We have become quite fond of Bouffant and her crazy “special” personality. She may run into random things, get scared over nothing, but she is the first one to great you and is content once you have her picked up in your arms.

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